Vinnie and Angela Yacuzzi of Feling Lane have been recognized as March 2021 Selection of the Month by The Garden Club at Palm Coast.
The Yacuzzi’s moved to Palm Coast 3 years ago from Worcester, MA. When they bought their house their front yard was totally empty. Angela became a member of The Garden Club at Palm Coast where she acquired much knowledge on how to grow succulents and other varieties of cactus. She would buy plants and succulents at The Garden Club monthly meetings (prior to covid). She also bought some plants and beautiful metal art work online and at local flea markets.
Vinnie is really the one that plants everything Angela brings home for him! He enjoys creating and designing new garden areas throughout their property. He even has an area out back dedicated to his potted plants and it has a sign that says, “Vinnie’s Pot Herb Garden… Plant Smiles…Grow Love”.
The front island contains a pygmy date palm (Phoenix roebelenii), aloe with orange flowers, Hawaiian ti, prickly pear cactus, other succulent varieties and a ground cover called Blue My Mind blue daze. The front door area you will find podocarpus bushes, red crown of thorns, prickly pear with flowers, agave, flap jack, snake plant, pink hibiscus, variety of bromeliads, “Mammy” and “Petra crotons”, air plants on rocks and many fun features such as an alligator, gnomes, frogs, pagoda, coquina rocks and an ant band!
Going towards the back yard there are banana plants, bottle brush, ponytail palm, Norfolk Island pine, coontie palm, shrimp plant, lemon tree, more succulents and bromeliads, starfish cactus and poinsettia. Hanging along the back fence they have several whimsical metal art pieces such as different size iguanas, butterflies, and frogs. And the diversity continues with a staghorn fern, pencil cactus, foxtail fern, donkey ears, jade plants, air plants and tricolor ginger (Stromanthe sanguinea). Vinnie also made a working bench where he propagates plants to add to his gardens.
Submitted by Nancy Iandoli
Selection of the Month Committee