Over the years many members of The Garden Club at Palm Coast have propagated thousands of plant to sell at events to raise funds for the Club’s Scholarship Program. As a result, the Propagation Guild (PG) was formally established in 2015.
The PG is a designated group of GCPC members who focus on the education and application of horticulturally sound propagation techniques, sharing “best practices”, as well as propagating and selling plants. It is a Standing Committee of the Club.
Its primary mission is to advocate propagation and to educate its members as well as the GCPC membership. Members share their knowledge at monthly meetings during the horticulture section and provide plants for the plant sale.
As a secondary mission, the Propagation Guild acts as a fund raising group for the GCPC through plant sales. Although the PG is self-sustaining, it operates in accordance with all Club By-Laws, policies and procedures.
The Propagation Guild Plant Sales may be offered at different venues and via online channels. Plant purchases may be paid via this online PayPal link of The Garden Club at Palm Coast:
You can make your donation/payment via your PayPal account or your Debit/Credit card. Please include the details about your purchase along with your payment. Thank you.
Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month (Sept.-May) at members’ homes to learn techniques to create new plants. Field trips to local botanical gardens and nurseries are also scheduled. All GCPC members who are seriously interested in propagating plants for club sales are invited and encouraged to join the Propagation Guild. There are no dues.
Plant Information Labels
At the plant sales organized by the Propagation Guild, ALL plant species must be labeled with the correct names and plant information.
In order to give a professional impression to the customers, the Propagation Guild has decided that all Plant Information Labels must be created based on a standard Word template. Information about the plant can be gathered from various websites, such as the ones listed on page 2 of the template, and entered on the Label as appropriate.
The Propagation Guild members can download the Plant Info Template here:
GCPC Plant Info Template v190709
New version dated August 2022.
Jane Villa-Lobos
Meet Jane via video.