Beth and Kirk Swaggerty of S. Flagler Ave., Flagler Beach have been recognized as September 2022 Selection of the Month by The Garden Club at Palm Coast.
The Swaggertys lived in Orlando area for 4 years before moving to Flagler Beach 20 years ago.
Their front yard consists of 3 island beds with various flowers such as: red, white and pink pentas, pink crown of thorns, firecracker bush, dwarf pink oleander, pots of aloe, red and white mandevilla, palm lily, and pineapple guava.
Adding to the diversity are: yellow and pink lantanas, agapanthus, plumbago, variegated triostar stromanthe, fire bush, pink crinum lilies, and coontie palm.
Sylvester and sabal palms, enormous live oaks, and 2 white bird of paradise provide shade. Several palms have climbing philodendrons with their roots wrapped around the tree.
Located on Smith Creek in the back, there is a large mangrove area as well as trees and palms which Kirk has attached staghorn ferns and whimsical bird houses. For color there are Ti and triostar stromanthe, pentas, heather, crown of thorns, ginger and rosemary bushes. Bromeliads grow in several tree stumps.
The open back porch has potted Crossandra plants called Orange Marmalade and a large wooden box planted with red pentas. In the ground are red, pink, and white pentas, heather, rosemary, and red geraniums.
Sitting in the Adirondack chairs on their pier, one can enjoy the tranquility and even take an afternoon nap.