Aubrey Martin of Whittle Place has been recognized as March 2022 Selection of the Month by The Garden Club at Palm Coast.
Aubrey has lived in Palm Coast since she was 14. Her mother would pay her to trim bushes. The neighbors thought she did such a nice job they started paying her to do their work and it became a career.
Most of her plants are from neighbors and friends who had half-dead plants which Aubrey has brought them back to life! She propagates most of her plants in order to fill any vacant areas in her landscape. You will also find her at the discounted plant areas at garden centers as well.
The front porch and yard have quite the diversity of plants: pink azaleas, vinca, orchids, paddle plant, desert rose (which she successfully propagated), pink and white crape myrtles, staghorn fern, yellow and pink hibiscus, large yellow lantana, dwarf bottle bush, a large pot with pink portulaca decorated with a mushroom house and a gnome, orange lilies, gardenia, caladium, citronella, Mammey and Petra crotons. In between the plants you can find luscious rosemary, basil and oregano filling in spaces.
The front center island with a Queen palm is underplanted with dahlia, red vinca, nandina, hibiscus, and a potted orange portulaca.
Along the side of the house are: fiddle-leaf fig, oyster plants, coconut palm, arrowhead vine, hibiscus, passion fruit and poinsettias. The back yard has: plumeria, avocado, coral tree, banana trees, balsam apple (Momordica balsamina), pink pentas, a large variegated gold dust croton, star jasmine, and a bromeliad garden. She has a propagation table where she pots new cuttings.
Heading towards the canal there is a fairy garden with a duplex double-logged bird treehouse with front step ladders with gnomes keeping watch. Also a beautiful deep purple princess flower (Tibouchina urvilleana), canna lilies, and cucamelon (Melothria scabra), a miniature Mexican watermelon, brighten the area.
No question about it Aubrey truly has a “green thumb” and much success giving old plants new life!
- Aubrey Martin of Whittle Place – March 2022 Selection of the Month