The Propagation Guild has taken two field trips recently. In May a group of nine drove to Lukas Nursery in Oviedo and shopped for landscape plants and toured the butterfly house. After lunch they stopped at Beck’s Nursery in Port Orange and several bought gorgeous exotic hibiscus as well as allamanda.

Group Photo
On June 6, 11 members toured Cedar Lakes Woods and Gardens in Williston.

Cedar Lakes Woods and Gardens
This spectacular complex is composed of over 50 gardens with numerous waterfalls and koi ponds that were born in a 100 year old retired lime rock quarry.

Island and Lookout
It took the owner 25 years to design and construct the property which is planted with bamboos, gingers, bromeliads, palm islands, orchids, Amazon and water lilies, ferns and vines.

Red Bridge
The Guild had a guided tour for nearly 2 hours walking around 1.4 miles on paths winding around and in the quarry.


Amazon Lily
The surrounding property is a 54 acre conservation easement maintained by the Conservation Trust of Florida.
Unfortunately it rained the whole time during the visit, so a return trip will be made in September.
Article written by Jane Villa-Lobos.