May 9, 2023, was our District VI Spring meeting hosted by The Garden Club at Palm Coast and held at The Hammock Dunes Club.
The meeting was called to order by Valerie Seinfeld, District VI Director.
Denise Garcia, Garden Club at Palm Coast (GCPC) President, introduced Greg Hansen, Flagler County Commissioner, for the Invocation.
Pledge of Allegiance: Ellen Werner.
Introduction of Head table: Valerie Seinfeld
Recognition of the 2021-2023 District Director: Suzi Bailey
District VI Former Directors and Guest
Our program speakers were Angela TenBroeck (Marineland Mayor, World Wide Aquaponics, 2021 Agriculture Women of the Year) and Shelley Steele (Yaupon Rise).
We had 15 beautiful raffle baskets for our fundraiser, and the Propagation Guild had plants for sale, especially the most popular Harmony Rex Begonia, named after our previous FFGC President, Marge Hendon.
We had several vendors, such as The Creative Team, Ways and Means, Snap Jewels, Pampered Chef, and The Chocolate Biz, to name a few.
Our Arrangers’ Guild made the beautiful table floral arrangements that were later given away.
Suzi Bailey and Valerie Seinfeld handed out winning club Awards, and we voted on our new District VI Wildflower, The Spotted Beebalm, a fantastic plant that butterflies and native bees love.
Suzi Bailey, 2021-2023 District Director, handed over her Banner and well wishes to our newly elected District Director, Valerie Seinfeld, 2023-2025.
Our Fall Meeting will be held on October 25, 2023.