Bob and Karen Kovaly of Egan Drive, Palm Coast have been recognized February 2018 Selection of the Month by the Garden Club at Palm Coast. They are originally from New Jersey and moved to Palm Coast in 2000.
Despite the recent heavy frosts, this yard had little damage. The Kovalys have a unique corner lot which has big islands from the front yard and continues to go around the side with several varieties of succulent plants and native palms which endured the frost. Center island has a large extended Prickly Pear dessert cactus with red tip flowers, Firecracker and Garlic plants, Arbicolas, Bird of Paradise and a Bottle Brush tree. The Front door has a large Fig Olive tree and a basket of red Poinsettias.
The Kovalys have an Oregon Grape Holly that makes yellow flowers then deep blue edible berries that look like grapes. Going towards the back there are white Gardenias, a large Magnolia, red and white Azaleas, a large Dogwood that produces white flowers a Florida native from the Gainsville area. Back yard has lots of native bushes, plants, Fan Palms and a Bayberry tree that produces white flowers, a large Camellia tree with red flowers and a pink Crape Myrtle.
Pool side has a very large Bird of Paradise, a Bougainvillea, large Orchids and yellow and blue Bromeliads.
Near the driveway there is a very unique Monkey Puzzle tree a native from Africa also grows in England and Chile that is very prickly even the stem but when fully grown it will resemble a perfect shape Christmas tree.
Submitted by Nancy Iandoli
Selection of the Month Committee