January 21, 2025
Janet Roberts called the meeting to order at 9:50 a.m. due to the continued recovery of Linda Hensler. Jane Howells was also absent to lead the class due to illness and Janet Roberts stepped up and did a great job! Thank you, Janet.
We made $219.00 at the December 9th Garden Club meeting, Thank You Kelley Callery for making the beautiful gift bag floral arrangement.
Our class program instructor was Ginny Niebauer, who owns Art Among
The Flowers and is a club member.
Before teaching us on how to arrange flowers in a vase, she went over several helpful tips she called: “101” How to start!
- Clean your flower stems and wipe them clean
- Make sure knife is used away from you
- Bought store flowers should be cut 2 inches to start with fresh water in your vase
- Cut off any flowers not open, they take energy away from your flowers
- When you start arranging your vase, you first want to make a tight nest of your greens so they will be able to hold your flowers when you insert them.
The class then made their own beautiful arrangements to take home. Thank You Ginny!
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted: Nancy Iandoli