Jane Howell called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m., 09/17/24. Jane filled in for Linda Hensler, who was away for the summer. Linda will be back for our second meeting. Linda agreed to be in charge again if we all promise to help her out.
We had 12 attendees for our first meeting. Some members were out sick or had surgery and other family matters. They all said they would join again once they came back.
We also lost Sue Bara to a long-time illness. Sue had been looking forward to taking over the Guild since Linda’s retirement. We will all miss Sue very much.
Saturday, October 12, there is a plant sale, orchids, etc. at Garden club of Deland.
Sunday, October 13, in Port Orange there is a Bromeliad Society meeting. Car pool possible if anyone wants to attend.
Monday, October 14 is our monthly Palm Coast Garden Club meeting at the Club 51 at 51 Old Kings Road N. The speakers will be Mark and Christian Robinson, Revival Gardening, “Edible Landscaping and soil Building Strategies”.
Tuesday, October 15, will be our second Arrangers’ Guild meeting.
Wednesday October 23, Denise Garcia, President, asked that we remind Arrangers to attend the Fall District VI meeting, Host: Garden Club by the Sea, Indian Harbor Beach, Fl.
Penny Decker, attend our first meeting as she wanted to join us.
Kelley Callery gave a demonstration on how she shops for lamps and other unique items that she takes apart and uses the bottom vases and parts to make other designs. She also gave a demonstration class on how to use Alcohol Ink.
Penny Decker and Pat Malak volunteered to make their first ornaments that would be used on this year’s Garden Club at Palm Coast Library Christmas tree.
Kelley gave blank disks for Arrangers to take home and make their own ornament creations to bring back to the next meeting. They were asked to put their name and year on the back side and will be hung on our Library tree.
Jane Howell adjourned the meeting at 12:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted: Nancy Iandoli