If you are an ornamental gardener, you might want to know what is blooming in August:
Or if you are busy producing veggies, then the Edibles activities may interest you:
Easily Survives Transplanting: Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, Collards, Eggplant, Endive/Escarole, Kale, Peppers, Tomatoes.
Survives Careful Transplanting: Carrots, Celery, Mustard
Use Seeds: Beans (Bush, Pole, Lima) Cucumbers, Onions (Green, Shallot), Squash (Summer, Winter), Turnips.
Lots to do this month!!!
The Infographics are produced by the University of Florida, IFAS Extension and can be found here online: http://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/plants/plant-of-the-month/infographics.html.
PDF versions of the Infographics can be downloaded and printed if you are interested.