FFGC Convention 2018

Convention Booklet


This year the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs Annual Convention took place at the World Golf Village in St Augustine. It was the 92nd edition of the Convention organized by the 94-year old FFGC.

The proximity to Palm Coast was a great incentive for members of our club to participate or visit.

A Flower show was one of the events connected to the 2018 Convention. Flower shows are held every other year. Many members of the Garden Club at Palm Coast visited the Flower Show and/or participated in the Convention.


The Four Award Levels

Several members of the GCPC submitted plants and arrangements to the contest and many awards were won.

There are four levels of Awards: First, Second and Third Place, as well as an Honorable Mention

Here is a selection of the entries submitted by GCPC members.


Arrangers Guild

The GCPC Arrangers Guild participated in the Flower Show. Flower arrangements were sent in by Linda Hensler, Kathleen Terlizzo and Sue Bara. A Collage was submitted by Pam Lace.

Arrangement with a Bamboo structure created by Linda Hensler

Illuminated arrangement created by Kathleen Terlizzo











Both Linda and Kathleen scored a Second Place

The mask on the left, created by Sue Bara, received an Honorable Mention.

Collage by Pam Lace, received an Honorable Mention

Sue also submitted an Arrangement and received an Honorable Mention for that.

Propagation Guild

The Propagation Guild was represented at the Flower Show by Jane Villa-Lobos, Judith Davies and Marinus Grootenboer.

Judith with her First Place winning Terrarium with Succulent Design.

Judith’s Neoregelia ‘shamrock’ Bromeliad, Second Place











Judith won THREE First, two Second and one Third Place.

Jane showing her First Place winning Phalaenopsis orchid.

T. xerographica submitted by Jane and winning First Place








Jane won FOUR First Places and one Second Place. Her winning Phalaenopsis also won a Flower Show Award (Green Ribbon)

Prize winning entries by Jane










Marinus’ First Place winning Hoya

Second Place for Marinus’ purple Phalaenopsis orchid










The prize harvest for Marinus: One First, one Second and three Third Places. Also one Honorable Mention.

The Garden Club at Palm Coast did very well.  Great job y’all!!!!


Reporting from the FFGC Convention,

Marinus Grootenboer

This entry was posted in Arrangers' Guild, Events, Garden Club, Propagation Guild. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to FFGC Convention 2018

  1. Judith A Davies says:

    Did you write this article, Marinus…if so, good work…I entered 6 horticulture and received 3 blue, 2 red and 1 yellow…thank you for mentioning me! All in all…it was, yet again, a learning experience! Judith

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