Fall Plant Sale

The Garden Club’s plant sale on Friday and Sat. Nov. 6 & 7 was a huge success! In addition to the 122 bromeliads that were donated from a man in Hammock Beach there were at least 150 propagated plants. The sale was open to club members, family and friends. Masks and social distancing were in effect.

The club is grateful to Linda DuLong who stored the bromeliads for a week and graciously said we could have the sale at her side “preserve” area. A team of Propagation Guild members set-up the tables and organized the plants on Thursday afternoon despite a quick rain shower. Luckily the area was shaded so there was no need for canopies.

The sale ran from 9 am to 1 pm both days. Saturday brought the most attendees as the group decided to post it on Next Door and on the Club’s Face Book page. Jane also posted a temporary sign in the neighborhood to attract passersby.

By noon on Saturday most of the plants were sold, and Denise Garcia took some of the leftovers to sell to her friends in Island Estates.

The profit was nearly $1,000 which was earmarked for the Club’s unrestricted budget. Since the club is not meeting nor having monthly plant sales, this was a good opportunity to boost the bank account to pay the Club’s monthly bills and support its programs.

I want to thank all the people who helped set-up, propagated beautiful plants and worked the sale and came to buy!!! The team was fantastic!

Article and photography by Jane Villa-Lobos
Director Propagation Guild

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One Response to Fall Plant Sale

  1. Sandra Kassabian says:

    I was sorry and sad to see I’d missed the Fall plant sale because I really liked it last year. It probably also means that my membership has expired but I don’t recall receiving any reminders.

    Is there someone I can check with to see if I’m on any email round robin for events?
    Thank you,

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