Fay Davey of Pepperdine Drive has been recognized as April 2019 Selection of the Month by The Garden Club at Palm Coast. Ms. Davey moved to Palm Coast in 1985 from New Jersey.
This yard is on a corner lot and has several islands of Azaleas and Bromeliads which Fay has propagated and planted throughout the landscape. The front door area has a large potted Red Crown of Thorns, a water lily in a small pond, a night blooming white Jasmine, several Bromeliads and pink and white Vincas. The garage area has a beautiful Yesterday Today and Tomorrow bush with its deep purple, white and light purple flowers that are very fragrant. On the other side of the garage Ms. Davey has an orange Chinese Hat plant.
The front yard is loaded with pink, white and red Azaleas, white Pentas, many varieties of beautiful Camellia bushes in red, white and pink that are simply breath taking throughout the front and back yard. There are pink, white and purple Crape Myrtles and red berry Nandina (Heavenly Bamboo) bushes.
The island along the side area has yellow flowering Japonica, Tassel fern, many Bromeliads. The middle island that has two Crane statues grazing on its bounty of various Bromeliads, pink Gladiolus, Azaleas, and a Copper Plant with its vibrant foliage. There is a Pagoda among yellow Bush Daises and lilies.
There is a trellis with Sweet Autumn Clematis Vine with white flowers and a huge Magnolia tree. The back yard has numerous pink, white and red Camellias, pink roses and a Wisteria vine growing on a pergola. Walking along the right side as you exit the back there are walking stones engraved with flower designs and you have a white Hydrangea, a Brazilian golden Butterfly vine, Crotons, Begonias, and a beautiful white Camellia bush.
In the patio there are several gorgeous bright orange and yellow orchids waiting to be moved out into the yard once the weather is warmer.
There are four rain barrels that are used to water all her potted plants and conserve water. You can always find Ms. Davey working in her yard planting, transplanting, weeding and watering.
Submitted by Nancy Iandoli
Selection of the Month Committee